Writings & Teachings (CV)

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Written Pieces

General Areas: Geospatial Analysis, Cycling Infrastructure and Safety, Waste Management, Citizen Participation, & Other Urban Planning Topics

  1. Advanced Dasymetric Mapping Model: A Case Study for Park Access 2016

    An improved method of population distribution that allows geographers to increase the accuracy of population estimates for custom geographic areas, like neighborhoods, city council districts, or service areas. Read Full Report

  2. Present‐day Impact of the 1937 Home Owner's Loan Corporation Maps: A Case Study of the City of Oakland, California -- Did Addressing A Past Housing Crisis Give a Biased Shape to Current Patterns 2017

    A correlation is found between the 1937 HOLC "Redlining" Maps and current housing patterns in the City of Oakland, CARead Full Report

  3. Eliminating Bicycle Collisions: Vision Zero in the City of San Francisco 2016

    An examination of the City of San Francsico goal of eliminating traffic fatalities from a cycling perspective Read Full Report

  4. City and County of San Francisco: Profile of the Existing Bicycle Infrastructure in District 11 and the Excelsior Neighborhood 2015

    A demonstration of the inequitable distribution of cycling infrastructure in the the City of San Francisco Read Full Report

  5. Saving Business Districts: A Formalized Parcel Savings Account 2016

    A systematic way for cities to address vacant business store front before they become problems. Read Full Report

  6. The Election of Libby Schaaf and What the Most Recent Mayoral Elections Demonstrate About Elections in the United States of America 2016

    A discussion of what elections really say about the voting public and inexpensive policies that could be adopted to increase voter turnout. Read Full Report

  7. Electronic Benefits Transfer Service Charges in Alameda County California: A Geographic Analysis of the Inequitable Service Charges 2015

    An examination of the ATM fees on EBT clients in Alameda County and the City of Oakland. We were able to develop a enhanced mapping tool that serves this population Read Full Report

  8. Oakland Sustainable Neighborhood Initiative Interactive Map: Moving Beyond Paper Maps 2015

    Designing map tools to enhance public user understanding of data in the planning and decision-making processes Read Full Report

  9. City Council District Land Use Trends: A Case Study in the City of Oakland, California 2015

    An examination of the decision making process and how land use in city council districts should be more a more significant variable in how a representaive prioritizes policy measures Read Full Report

  10. Zero Waste at the University of California Los Angeles 2011

    An analysis of Zero Waste policies and how UCLA can be the global leader in waste management of campuses of high learning Read Full Report

  11. International Hazardous Waste 2010

    How trade, consumption, and disposal patterns of hazardous waste impact communities across the globe as waste is traded between nations Read Full Report

  12. Using Farmer's Markets to Access Democracy 2010

    Designing Farmer's Markets as a place for communities to access their public officials in a informal setting Read Full Report

  13. The Built Environment of Schools and Student Performance 2010

    Designing Farmer's Markets as a place for communities to access their public officials in a informal setting Read Full Report

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Teachings Experience

Formal Ways I've Shared my Skills

Bicis Del Pueblo

Bicycle Mechanic Course that focuses on bike mechanic skills, youth development, political education, and environmental justice.

I was responsible of course design and piloting the program and the subsequent monitoring and evaluation.

University of California Los Angeles 2011

Instructor, Geographic Information Systems as a spatial analysis research tool, Department of Urban Planning, University of California Los Angeles, July 2011 - August 2011

I was responsible for updating the established curriculum for the introductory GIS mapping course

University of California Los Angeles 2009-2011

Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems

I was responsible for updating the established curriculum for the introductory GIS mapping course.

Instituto Santo Tomas de Aquino Camasca Intibuca, Honduras 2004-2005

Instructor, Project Management Course

I taught a course of project design and management. Students were responsible for conducted a year long practicum that culminated in the completion of a development project.

Instituto Santo Tomas de Aquino Camasca Intibuca, Honduras 2004-2005

Instructor, Citizen Participation Course

Worked with students to provide them with the necessary tools to conduct citizen participation charrettes to rural populations.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Honduras, 2005

Trainer, Geographic Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS),

I was responsible for designing GIS manual in Spanish, while training staff to conduct field mapping research
