

Places I've learned and degrees earned

University of Michigan

BA Urban Development and Sociology Social Inequalities Specialization - Graduated: 2002

I designed a coursework schedule for a Urban development degree that included courses in the history of urban form, urban anthropology, urban social movements, the environment and equality, urban inequality and conflict, socio-cultural issues in planning, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Read Full Course Plan

University of California Los Angeles

Masters in Urban Planning: Environmental Analysis & Policy Specialization - Graduated: 2011

Two influential reports:
“Zero Waste at UCLA: Is it possible?” a unique document that contains an extensive literature review and report, including several recommendations that will assist UCLA reach its Zero Waste goal, reflecting the state of research, policy, and practice of waste management in the United States and more specifically college campuses.
"International Hazardous Waste Trade" which describes the dangers of the global waste trade, focusing in on how there are hidden human costs to many developing nations who take the hazardous waste of the developed world.

Employment Experience

Traditional Work History
