Transferable Skills

My Skills

I have had the opportunity to learn many skills and become proficient
in various analytical tools and the list is constantly growing.

Desktop GIS 85%
Web GIS 80%
Tableau 85%
D3 60%
HTML 70%
CSS 70%
Data Analysis 80%
Data Management 90%
Group Facilitation 72%

Programs Used

As an Analyst the following is a short list of programs that I have extended experience

Google Maps
Mircrosoft Word

Continuous Education

To make sure my skills stay sharpened I ...consectetuer adipiscing elit.
We all have weaknesses to acknowledge and work to resolve. The self help books, programs, public seminars, represent a 10 billion dollar per year industry in the United States alone. We are a nation of people that are constantly attempting improve themselves. Personally, I am working on making my writing and editing skills a daily part of my life and I understand the message from so many, that practice makes perfect. While working on program design, management, and evaluation for the Bicis Del Pueblo project I have learned the need to continually reassess my skills as a leader and manager. One of my main goals is to improve as a manager and insure that the project meets all of its goals.
I am taking advantage of some of the numerous resources available to receive Technical professional development in SQL, APIs, and other data management techniques that allow the use of open data. In that same vein I have looked to improve my art and graphic design skills as to best create influential data visualizations.
I have been adverse to accepting my place as a leader and have recently found the necessity to enter that space with confidence in my abilities to lead, but still acknowledging my own limitations and limit the number of tasks that I can do well and not all the duties that I am capable of doing.

efficiency and reliability

This is a simple hero unit, a simple jumbotron-style component for calling extra attention

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